Year 11 Learning Zone
This page is full of useful resources for our Year 11 students as they approach their GCSE examinations. Please also see our Learning Links page for helpful websites.
Computer Science
Computer science links by Derbyshire Academies
Exam Preparation
Design & Technology
Foundation Maths
- Foundation Maths - key topics
Higher Maths
- Higher Maths - key topics
Resources for all students:
Modern Foreign Languages
Ethics & Philosophy
- Christianity
- Computer Science
System Architecture
Memory & Storage
- Adding two 8-bit binary integers
- Binary shifts
- Common types of storage
- Compression
- 1.2 Converting between denary and 8 bit binary
- 1.2 How data needs to be converted into binary to be processed by a computer
- 1.2 RAM & ROM
- 1.2 Representing characters and character sets
- 1.2 Representing images
- 1.2 Representing sound
- 1.2 Suitable storage devices & storage media
- 1.2 The need for primary storage
- 1.2 The need for secondary storage
- 1.2 The units of data storage
- 1.2 Virtual memory
Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
Programming fundamentals
Computational Logic
Computer networks, connections & protocols
- 1.3 Client sever and peer to peer networks
- 1.3 Common protocols
- 1.3 Factors that affect the performance of networks
- 1.3 Modes of connection, wired and wireless
- 1.3 Standards
- 1.3 Star and mesh network topologies
- 1.3 The concept of layers
- 1.3 The Internet
- 1.3 The use of IP and MAC addressing
- 1.3 Types of networks
- 1.3 Wireless encryption
Network Security
System Software
Producing robust programs
Programming languages and IDEs
Exam Support
Level 1/2 Hospitality and Catering
Sports Science
Expressive Arts