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Deciding what you want to do after Sixth Form can be a daunting task. But there is lots of support available within school to help you along this exciting journey.

Whether you want to go to go to uni, take a gap year, start working or do an apprenticeship, we can support you to realise your ambitions.


Sixth form students benefit from a highly personalised careers guidance programme. Tutors are able to provide 1:1 mentoring including support with university applications and advice on employability skills.

Our partnerships with Higher Education institutions allow opportunities for enrichment and mentoring, university visits, study skills workshops, mock interviews, application advice and more.

Students wishing to pursue the apprenticeship route are signposted to local opportunities and workshops. We have strong links with employers and welcome them to present careers talks throughout the year.

Students are expected to undertake vocation based work experience during the summer term of Year 12.

We hold two careers fairs in school - in July and October. These follow a ‘marketplace’ format with stalls manned by representatives from a wide range of universities and other education and employment providers.

Higher Education

Our programme of Higher Education guidance begins in Year 12 usually with a visiting speaker from a local University coming in March to talk about the benefits of going to university.

We arrange trips to the UCAS Higher Education Conference. This gives our students the opportunity to collect prospectuses and talk to tutors and students from more than 100 universities spanning the whole of the United Kingdom. It is a very worthwhile experience for all Year 12 students, regardless of their intentions for further study.

There will also be an opportunity to attend a University open day. This is organised solely for Tupton Hall Sixth Formers and runs in the summer term. Students will be able to explore and examine a university in the company of friends and tutors. This visit can form the basis of a comparison for any universities that they visit independently later.

In the summer term the programme of HE guidance continues. Students will have talks on the issue of student finance and guest speakers from a local university will come into school to introduce key aspects of the Higher Education decision-making process. Topics covered tend to include which courses to study, what type of University – city centre / campus, HE finance and accommodation, taking a gap year, sandwich courses, sponsorship and the UCAS application timetable and process. We will then begin the process of applying to University and introduce students to the UCAS website.

We have developed strong links with universities including The University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University and the universities of Birmingham and Nottingham. These links are exceptionally valuable to our students as they benefit from mentoring, interview guidance, subject-specific workshops, financial support in the form of bursaries and unconditional offers for undergraduate study.

If you are thinking about going to university or college, the UCAS website is packed with advice and information. There is also a section for parents and guardians where you can sign up for the monthly parent newsletters.

You may be able to borrow money to help pay for university or college tuition fees and to help with living costs. Find out more on the Student Finance website.