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Parents can find resources to help their children stay well in this section.

Safeguarding means: protecting children from abuse and maltreatment, preventing harm to children's health or development, ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care. 


Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone involved in the care of a young person and in this section parents will find resources to help them to play their part in this.  


New material is added regularly to this page so please keep coming back to see what's new.


Please click here to view our policies page, where you will be able to find our anti-bullying policy, Keeping Children Safe in Education, Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, ESafety Policy, and SENDco Policy amongst others. 

Medicines in School

Please complete the following form and return them to school, either by post or via email to:  

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities 

Tupton Hall School is a fully inclusive mainstream school where every student is valued regardless of their ability, needs or interests. Our objective is to improve the educational outcomes of students with additional needs, thereby ensuring no child is left behind.

Tupton Hall School is committed to:

  • Providing timely and effective support to meet individual children's need. 
  • Ensuring that all children have the right support to ensure they achieve their potential.
  • Supporting children's social, emotional wellbeing and mental health.
  • Removing barriers to learning. 

At Tupton Hall, the Inclusion Team works closely with staff across the school to support students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), ensuring that they are fully integrated into the life of the school whilst developing their self-esteem, confidence and independence. 

If you require any additional information please contact the SENDCO, Sarah Burton on 01246 863127 or

Our SEN Information Report

As a school, we are mindful of and comply with the expectations of the SEN and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 years, introduced by the Government in June 2014. We also adhere to the Equality Act 2010.

We use different interventions and approaches to address specific areas of need and would look carefully at your child’s individual needs when deciding how best to support your child in consultation with parents/carers and the young person.

We have developed a SEN Information Report which explains how we support children with Special Educational Needs in our school.


  • Find out what support is available for young people with Special Educational Needs in Derbyshire through the Derbyshire Local Offer
  • Read more about the Department for Education's new code of practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) for 0 - 25 year olds: SEND Code of Practice 0 - 25 Years

Keeping Children Safe

Stop, Breathe, Think

Please note a FREE, remote (phone or online video) charity-funded counselling service called 'Stop Breathe Think.' The service offers counselling to all 8 - 21-year-olds and aims to respond to all referrals within 24hrs, with no waiting lists.

Click here to visit our Lifeskills & Wellbeing page which has resources and parent guides

E-Safety in School

At Tupton Hall, we work to provide high-quality guidance for students and their families about the dangers of the online digital world. We also offer advice and support to help stay safe and avoid these risks and threats. 

As part of the Computing and Life Skills and Well-being (PSHE) areas of the curriculum, students in Key Stage 3 learn about what information should not be shared in the public domain. Students also learn Internet etiquette, guidelines they should adhere to on social networking sites, the dangers associated with Internet browsing and the consequences of inappropriate behaviour online.

Click here to visit our Life skills & Well-being page which has resources and parent guides discussing the digital world.

Please also find our Acceptable Use Policy here.